Voicemail Systems, simply put, function much like a highly sophisticated corporate answering machine, recording and managing messages from people both inside and outside a business. These scalable systems offer a wide variety of features which enhance their overall Message Management capabilities.
Since an estimated 50% of all phone conversations involve one-way communications with party “A” conveying information to party “B”, Voicemail provides a simple, unattended mechanism for that conveyance of information.
However, today’s Voicemail Systems go much further, offering a wide array of features that provide much more sophisticated Business Communication tools.
These features include “broadcasting” allowing employees to send messages to a group of people all at once and Central Messaging Operations that can serve a single workgroup or an entire company. Voicemail Systems come in two designs. They can be either PC-based or Proprietary. Proprietary Voicemail Systems are less popular today due to the emergence of powerful PC computers; a platform upon which today’s more popular Voicemail Systems are based.
These PC-based Voicemail Systems are easily integrated with state-of-the-art Telephone Systems resulting in a simple convergence of these two rapidly evolving technologies.
Our team of Telephony experts will work with you to assess your specific Voicemail requirements and to explain the technologies that are available and how they can help you enhance the efficiency, cost-effectiveness and productivity of your communications system.